Thursday, October 22, 2009

Cute <3

The other night my mom called me in to see what the turkeys were doing. One of the turkeys had riped off a piece of newspaper and was running around with it in his beak with all the other turkeys chasing him. You had to see it, it was so funny! Every once in a while her would drop it and try to pick it up but he was standing on it because it was so long, He would get frustrated and another turkey would grab it and it would start all over. My little turkeys get more entertaining everyday(:


In one week my little babies have doubled in size! They are no longer babies; they're toddlers! After the first week we can start putting bedding in. It was so funny at first none of them would step on it, then once they did they pecked at it for at least 30 minutes straight.(:
They're so big now!

They finally get how to use the feeder and they eat alot!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


I finally got my baby turkeys for FFA! They are extremely cute and so funny. I think turkeys are the dumbest animals I have ever seen and I love them to death(: I was supposed to get 5 but one girl decided she didn't want to do turkeys so I got an extra one. There names are Turkey Lurkey, Tom, Hoggie, Acorn, Gobble, and Big Bird. Acorn sleeping <3
My favorite Turkey Lurkey!

They are so tiny!

They don't really get how to use the feeder yet... like I said. dumb.

Turkey Lurkey <3
My Babies <333